I've never ice skated before, but from what I know of my coordination, balance and ability to stand upright on two thin metal blades, it wouldn't have ended well. At a minimum, I could see a sprained ankle or two, plus a slashed ...
bNeverici/b Tomas napsal(a): Tak tomu se rika chucpe......politicti prosazovatele ideii Greenpeace odchazi z ministerskych postu rovnou do vedeni plynarskych koncernu, kterym svymi rozhodnutimi zajitili odbyt (Schróder) a Beranek ma tu drzost b....../b kamas loose gown and easy cap- much as elderly gentlemen loved to endue themselves with, in their domestic privacy-walked foremost, and appeared to be showing off his bestate/b, and expatiating on his projected improvements. ...
Nice way to get a free vacation out of the issue. Hypocrites? # 10 Mark Derail said, on December 14th, 2007 at 8:08 am. #1 Yep, the ?common? people will disappear. Various governments have set up shelters for such events, ...